Nuevo León topographic map
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About this map
Name: Nuevo León topographic map, elevation, terrain.
Location: Nuevo León, Mexico (23.16267 -101.20676 27.79914 -98.42158)
Average elevation: 805 m
Minimum elevation: -2 m
Maximum elevation: 3,623 m
The state's southern and western scenery is dominated by the Sierra Madre Oriental mountain range, covering 50.9% of the state's territory. Notable features formed by the mountain range include the Galeana and Doctor Arroyo plateaus, the Iguana, Picachos, Papagayos, and Santa Clara mountain ranges, and the Pilón, Ascensión, and Río Blanco valleys. Cerro Potosí, which is the state's highest elevation at 3,710 meters above sea level, is part of the mountain range.
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